Evergreen Middle School Dress Code for Scholars
Scholars have the right to express themselves through clothing and attire. The district affirms the right of scholars to celebrate pride in their identity through their clothing, hair, etc. This includes the freedom to express gender identity and religious traditions. Scholars also have the responsibility to preserve and promote an educational setting. The following shall be prohibited by each school’s or alternative program’s student dress code:
- A. Clothing presenting a reasonable expectation of a material and substantial disruption of the educational process, damage to school property, or a health or safety hazard, or anything that advocates prejudice;
- B. Clothing displaying obscene or sexual words, pictures, messages, or innuendoes;
- C. Clothing displaying drug or alcohol-related words, pictures, messages, or innuendoes;
- D. Pajamas, slippers, halter tops or any shirt that is short enough to expose the stomach, pants that are unusually low riding and are worn low on the hips, revealing undergarments, or shorts or skirts shorter than fingertip length;
- E. Clothing that symbolizes gang membership or which displays gang-related words, symbols, messages, or pictures. A school’s dress code may include the requirement that students wear uniforms and/or identification badges.
School personnel may ask scholars to change or cover up clothing that substantially disrupts the educational environment; that poses a safety risk to the scholar or others; that is obscene, profane, or vulgar; or that promotes illegal conduct or conduct not allowed at school.
Scholars are required to comply with any school-specific rules related to dress, including uniform requirements. School-specific rules must be gender neutral and uniform policies must allow for affordable options. Policy 3224.
Admin reserves the right to deem what is appropriate.